A Breath Of Heaven

An account of the Lord's work in Lusaka, Zambia, Africa according to Micah Orloff.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Deliverance Centre

We continued our work on the first home. We were able to paint on a primer coat. I tried to avoid painting as my only pair of pants –no luggage, remember?- would be needed on Sunday for church. Because of the somewhat strong winds and the nature of the activity, Jacob and Andy were freckled with primer from head to toe. I became the on-site photojournalist while we waited for the materials to build block.

So what kind of block are we building? We have decided to go with Earth block. Earth block is block of compressed earth, in essence – dirt. Using a combination of lime, gravel and yellow dirt, we make a mixture that produces just the right consistency to support our project needs. We compress the dirt using a special compression machine and can produce between 600-1000 blocks in a workday. I thought it would have been a simple task – take dirt and compress it. But it actually requires the perfect amount of the different materials to produce block that will withstand the trials of time. I am blistered and sore, but the associated pains are no match for my excitement to see use erect a second house and save another 12 kids from the streets.
As mentioned before, one of the main reasons I am here this year is because of my little sister. I really want to see God pierce her. She is an enigma to me. I didn’t grow up in the same home as her so it is sometimes difficult to grasp what she must be going through as a teenage girl. She is such an amazing young girl and I sometimes get discouraged when I see her struggle with acclimating, her lack of self esteem, her fear of rejection and the misguided defense mechanisms she uses to cope with them. But then there are times where she lights up the room with her spunk, smile and servitude. I was convicted when I saw her minister to those who needed to be healed. She understands the power of God. She has seen it in others, but she seems to miss it when it is right under her nose directed right at her. We prayed for her and I broke down. My brothers in Christ have reached out knowing my desires for her and I just want to see Him fill her up. I would freely and cheerfully sacrifice more weeks without a change of clothes to see her hardened heart broken. I have faith that he will answer my cries.

UPDATE: Since we only have limited time in the café, I was able to put two posts in one up. It is Sunday and I was able to return to Chaisa where I shared a message. They are SO faithful. They worship God with such beautiful harmony. It really does something to you. It answered my prayers as I was able to see my sister convicted by the holy spirit – we were able to minister together. I was so happy and proud of her. God is doing something wonderful in her. Praise Him for that. The Pastor was pleased with my message on faithful works and has asked me to return again. I think I will have to take him up on that offer. My heart is with these Zambian people.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I started to read this blog I just broke down in tears. I have had an enormous amount of emotion since the day you all have left, but these tears are tears of joy and love. I am so grateful to hear the holy spirit working through Vita May. I know she is an amazing young lady and that GOd will use her in many ways. I am so proud of you Micah, you are an amazing man of God and that is why God has chosen you to help Vita May realize what gifts are present in her . I know that are hearts and lives are forever deticated to the Zambians and that we will continue to travel here to finish Gods work. My daily prayers will continue for you all. God Bless and I love You All!!! Alicia

9:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is so tight that you went back to chaise. It really is encouraging to see that we are still being faithful.

1:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Micah you are the golden boy! Your love for Jesus is evident by the faith and servant attitude you display through trials.

The enemy tried to discourage you by losing your luggage. Instead of becoming depressed and upset you turned that situation into a blessing. Plus, you never lost your focus and purpose for this trip.

Your goal is to get as many kids possible off the streets, and become closer to your sister. My prayers are with your team, you and your sister.

God Bless,

7:43 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Susan Kline, Instructor said...

Dear Micah~ DJ sent me this blog link, and although I haven't had time to thoroughly read it, I'm thrilled to read that you are committed to doing what God wants you to do! I always knew that you were a special person; now I know why . . . maybe you remember me? Susan Kline, Merced, CA

11:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Micah and Alicia,
Pat sent links to both your blogs and I have just finished reading them. You could say that I am not immersed in the spirit but I have surely been touched by the spirit of you two and of your incredible mission together. After hearing about the progress made over such a small amount of time for those in such great need, who would not be humbled. The touching moments that you shared just kept welling up inside me. I am proud to know you both. The lives of Joseph and Osward and the Avila orphanage will be changed forever. :-)

5:09 PM  

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